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You can rely on the experience and ability of Philidelphia Injury Lawyers to guide you through the treacherous terrain of the justice system.

    5 Key Tips for Dealing With an Adjuster After a Car Crash in Philadelphia

    Dealing with insurance after a car accident in Philadelphia can be very challenging

    Car accidents are common in Philadelphia. The city has some of the busiest roads and highways in the country, which makes it more prone to accidents. If you ever find yourself involved in a car wreck, dealing with an insurance adjuster can be one of the most challenging aspects.  To help you navigate this process…

    Denied Workers Comp Claim in Philadelphia: What Are the Most Common Reasons?

    a lawyer can help you appeal a denied workers comp claim

    Denied workers comp claims can be frustrating and overwhelming, especially if you were counting on the benefits to help you recover from a workplace injury. Unfortunately, it’s not uncommon for insurance companies to deny claims, leaving injured employees struggling to pay medical bills and make ends meet.  If your workers’ comp claim was denied in…

    Understanding the Impact of Preexisting Conditions on Your Workers’ Comp Case in Philadelphia

    insurers may deny a workers comp claim due to preexisting conditions

    Are you familiar with the phrase “preexisting conditions”? It’s a term that gets thrown around a lot, especially in discussions about healthcare.  But did you know that preexisting conditions can also have a significant impact on your workers’ compensation case in Philadelphia? That’s right – if you’re injured on the job and have a preexisting…

    How to Prepare for Your Free Case Review with a Philadelphia Car Accident Lawyer

    Philadelphia car accident lawyer

    Car accidents can be a traumatic experience, leaving you with physical injuries, emotional distress, and financial burden. In this situation, it’s important to seek legal advice from an experienced Philadelphia car accident lawyer to help you navigate the complex legal system and protect your rights.  The good news is our law firm offers each new…

    What Happens if You’re Hit While Walking in a Crosswalk?

    a lawyer must still prove fault in a crosswalk accident

    The reason the City of Philadelphia put crosswalks in years ago was to keep pedestrians safe. While pedestrians are allowed to cross anywhere they choose, the crosswalks are supposed to provide them with a safe clearing. Unfortunately, our accident attorneys in Philadelphia have seen just how quickly motorists ignore these crosswalks. The Law in Philadelphia…

    advocate of the people

    professional, aggresive client defense