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You can rely on the experience and ability of Philidelphia Injury Lawyers to guide you through the treacherous terrain of the justice system.

    What Happens if You’re Hit While Walking in a Crosswalk?

    a lawyer must still prove fault in a crosswalk accident

    The reason the City of Philadelphia put crosswalks in years ago was to keep pedestrians safe. While pedestrians are allowed to cross anywhere they choose, the crosswalks are supposed to provide them with a safe clearing. Unfortunately, our accident attorneys in Philadelphia have seen just how quickly motorists ignore these crosswalks. The Law in Philadelphia…

    What Happens if You Don’t Realize You’re Hurt Until 3 Months After Your Car Accident?

    a car accident can result in delayed injuries

    One of the things our car accident lawyers in Philadelphia always tell their clients is that they have to go to the hospital immediately after their accident. We understand that a lot of people don’t think they’re injured in the minutes following their crash. However, as you will find here, you jeopardize your chance of…

    How Long Do You Have to File Your Workers Compensation Claim in Philadelphia?

    Philadelphia Workers’ Compensation Lawyer

    Many people believe that since workers’ compensation is not handled through the courts, there are no strict filing deadlines. Our Philadelphia workers comp attorneys can tell you this is far from the truth. If you miss a filing deadline at any stage throughout the workers’ comp process, your claim can be denied, and you may…

    advocate of the people

    professional, aggresive client defense